Friday, November 29, 2013

Operation Puffle:Yellow Puffle

Operation Puffle is an event where Herbert has put mind control helmets on all the puffles and you need to capture them and get the chips to bring to Gary. Everyday a new puffle gets unlocked and today the yellow puffle was unlocked so good luck everyone!

Golden Puffle

Sorry for the delay but the new gold puffle is out! It's a little late but there will be more posts to keep you up to date with the latest Club Penguin updates!

To get a gold puffle you must go to the Pet shop and begin your quest for the gold puffle (members only)! Dig around the island and collect 15 golden nuggets and go to the underground cave and there it is your golden puffle!

Oh and when you have the golden puffle you can dig up golden items like these:

The golden puffle is also used to unlock items in operation puffle (there will be another post for it).

That's all for now!

Friday, November 8, 2013

untiteld XD

im sorry I haven't been bloging in over a month my internet got cut off ill be back soon

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Cave In!

Hello Penguins. Sorry for not posting last weekend I moved and I had to wait for my internet to get installed. But nowThere was a cave in underground Club Penguin! Now all the underground rooms are caved in.

More soon.....